
At IGNOUAid, we strive to provide accurate and reliable information about IGNOU to our students. However, we would like to clarify that IGNOUAid is an unofficial website of IGNOU, and we are not affiliated with IGNOU in any way. The information and articles posted on IGNOUAid are solely for informational purposes, and we do not claim any official status.

We understand the importance of authentic information, and we make every effort to collect the information from official sources such as ignou.ac.in. However, there is a possibility that some information on our website may be missed or outdated, and we advise our students to cross-verify any information with the official IGNOU website if they have any doubts.

At IGNOUAid, we provide study materials, assignments, question papers, and books for the convenience of our students. These materials are collected and downloaded from official sources such as eGyanKosh and IGNOU Webservices. We do not produce any materials of our own, and all materials uploaded on IGNOUAid are copyrighted by IGNOU officials only.

We would also like to disclose that IGNOUAid is a partner of the Amazon associate program. This means that we earn a commission from qualifying purchases made through an affiliate link on our website. However, this does not affect the authenticity or reliability of the information provided on IGNOUAid, and we remain committed to providing the best possible support and guidance to IGNOU students.